09-07-2011, 01:56 PM
bye ليس معناها بحفظ البابا كما نسمع ونقراه كثيرا من التحذيرات في المنتديات والمسنجرات
ذُكر في أصلها أنها كانت تكتب God be with you ومعناها ( الله معك )
وأول من قام بذلك رجل يدعى غابريل هارفي
(good-bye( noun
جودباي (اسم )
plural good-byes also good-bys
An expression of farewell
Alteration (influenced by good day), of God be with you
ومعناها : الله معك ..
وهذه لمحة تاريخية عن أصل كلمة جودباي والتي يستخدمها الغرب بمعنى مع السلامة ، وهي في الأصل : الله معك..
وبعد ذلك تم تحريفها إلى أن أصبحت Good bye ولازالت تستخدم إلى الآن .
Word History: More than one reader has no doubt wondered exactly how good-bye is derived from the phrase “God be with you.” To understand this, it is helpful to see earlier forms of the expression, such as God be wy you, b'w'y, godbwye, god buy' ye, and good-b'wy. It is no mistake to think that the first word of the expression is now good and not God, for good replaced God by analogy with such expressions as good day, perhaps after people no longer had a clear idea of the original sense of the expression. A letter of 1573 written by Gabriel Harvey contains the first recorded use of good-bye: “To requite your gallonde [gallon] of godbwyes, I regive you a pottle of howdyes,” recalling another contraction that is still used.
:101: Thanks :101:
ذُكر في أصلها أنها كانت تكتب God be with you ومعناها ( الله معك )
وأول من قام بذلك رجل يدعى غابريل هارفي
(good-bye( noun
جودباي (اسم )
plural good-byes also good-bys
An expression of farewell
Alteration (influenced by good day), of God be with you
ومعناها : الله معك ..
وهذه لمحة تاريخية عن أصل كلمة جودباي والتي يستخدمها الغرب بمعنى مع السلامة ، وهي في الأصل : الله معك..
وبعد ذلك تم تحريفها إلى أن أصبحت Good bye ولازالت تستخدم إلى الآن .
Word History: More than one reader has no doubt wondered exactly how good-bye is derived from the phrase “God be with you.” To understand this, it is helpful to see earlier forms of the expression, such as God be wy you, b'w'y, godbwye, god buy' ye, and good-b'wy. It is no mistake to think that the first word of the expression is now good and not God, for good replaced God by analogy with such expressions as good day, perhaps after people no longer had a clear idea of the original sense of the expression. A letter of 1573 written by Gabriel Harvey contains the first recorded use of good-bye: “To requite your gallonde [gallon] of godbwyes, I regive you a pottle of howdyes,” recalling another contraction that is still used.
:101: Thanks :101: