سالم رؤوف
28-03-2016, 07:52 AM
لتحديث الجديد لتطبيق الجافا الشهير و الذى لا غنى عنه لأى جهاز هذا التطبيق الغنى عن التعريف من الأدوات الأساسية لكل مستخدم شأنه فى ذلك شأن مشغل الفلاش بلاير الشهير من أدوبى و غيرها من الأدوات ...إذا كنت من متصفحى الإنترنت و محبى الدردشة و الألعاب الأونلاين فهذا التطبيق بالغ الأهمية بالنسبة لك و لا بد من تصيبه و تحديثه بصفة دورية التطبيق باختصار هام لكل المستخدمين خاصة هؤلاء المهتمين بتصفح الأنترنت .... ينصح به دائما
Java runtime environment (JRE) - runtime environment created by Sun Microsystems that allows to run and use applications written in the programming language Java. It consists of a virtual machine - java Virtual Machine and Java-library classes. Written in the java language a lot of programs and games, especially those for whom mobility is important. Some Web pages are also using Java. One of the advantages of java is its cross-platform, that is, applications written in this language can be used on different operating systems where you installed java runtime environment (JRE
رابط التحميل
Java Runtime Environment
Download (http://www.techskey.com/2014/09/java-runtime-environment-80.html)
Java runtime environment (JRE) - runtime environment created by Sun Microsystems that allows to run and use applications written in the programming language Java. It consists of a virtual machine - java Virtual Machine and Java-library classes. Written in the java language a lot of programs and games, especially those for whom mobility is important. Some Web pages are also using Java. One of the advantages of java is its cross-platform, that is, applications written in this language can be used on different operating systems where you installed java runtime environment (JRE
رابط التحميل
Java Runtime Environment
Download (http://www.techskey.com/2014/09/java-runtime-environment-80.html)