المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Numpty :p

06-03-2008, 06:06 AM
السلام عليكم

الكثير منا لايدرس هذه اللغة !! العامية !! :biggrin:

حابة انقل لكم دروس فيها على اساس لما تمر على احد يكون عنده خلفية عن الكلام :cool:

مثل كلمة NUMPTY :biggrin: مامرت اكيد على احد !! او قليل سمعتو فيها :rolleyes:

هذا نص يوضح المعنى :

Numpty. N-U-M-P-T-Y. Numpty. Gentle word. Very gentle word. It feels to me like 'silly billy' or 'you novice!' It means somebody who displays a lack of knowledge or a lack of awareness. I've often heard it used as an endearment - 'oh, you great numpty', meaning, you know, 'you should have done better than that'. 'Silly billy' is the best gloss for it, I think.

But in some parts of the country and in some people's usage it's a bit stronger and you can hear the difference in the tone of voice. I mean, I've heard somebody say about a driver of a car 'that numpty's talking on his mobile phone while he was driving' and that's a stronger usage, it means more, you know, 'that idiot', 'that prat', 'that numskull' - he's so stupid that even the simplest things are beyond him, that's the kind of nuance there

So it has a wide range of usage from quite gentle to quite strong. And then it's developed, of course, as time goes by. I've heard the plural of it - numpties, especially for politicians, 'politicians are numpties'. The number of times I've heard that! And also a noun, an abstract noun, numptiness - I don't think that's used very much but I have heard it once or twice - 'the numptiness of our politicians'

And in 2007, it was Scotland's favourite word. I CAN, the charity, did a survey of the favourite words of different parts of the country and Scotland voted for numpty


دمتم بود

سامي الشمري
09-03-2008, 10:37 PM
و الله أني مافهمت شيء ..!

لكن يعطيك العافية :biggrin:


جليس الرائدية
11-03-2008, 12:56 AM
سلمت أختي علي هذا الايضاح . .

وهناك مصطلحات وكتب كثيرة ألفت في هذا المجال . .

والفصيح هو الأفضل بلا شك . .

تقبلي خالص ودي واحترامي

12-03-2008, 05:26 AM
هلا والله بالسامي سامي :biggrin: عادي مولازم تفهم عشان في مشروع تدريس خصوصي الحجز

قرب يخلص :cool: خخخخخ نمبتي = شخص فيه غباء :cool:

اهلا جليس الرائدية كل شخص له وجهة نظر واحترمها :cool:


دمتم بود

19-05-2009, 03:54 AM
ربي يسعد قلبك
وعسآك على القوة دوم يارب