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ميلاف الريم 29-05-2006 02:09 AM

تعابير انجليزيه مهمه لطلاب الثانويه العامه

السلام عليكم

تعبير عن الملك عبدالله
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz was born in 1924 AD in Riyadh. King Abdullah is an intelligent , a generous , a good speaker, a strong and a fair leader. In addition to his wide reading , he is known for his love of horsemanship . In 1963 AD he became the Commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard . Then in 1975 AD , he became the Second Prime Minister . He became the first Prime Minister in 1982 AD . In 2004 AD , he laid the foundation stone for many projects in the country . Prince Abdullah has played a remarkable rule in achieving reconciliation and setting the differences between the Arab countries . He has visited some countries like America , China , Japan and Egypt . He always aids many countries .
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz became King of Saudi Arabia on August 1st, 2005 AD following the death of late Kink Fahd . Finally , we are luckily to have a Kink like King Abdullah .
تعبير التوسعة في الحرمين مكة والمدينة
The Expansion of the Holy Mosque at Madinah
Before the first Saudi expansion , the total area of the Holy Mosque at Madinah was 10,000 worshippers . There were five 60 – metre – high minarets but there were no escalators , no fixed staircases and no air – conditioning .
After the first Saudi expansion , the total area had grown to 16,500 m 2 and the Mosque could accommodate 28,000 worshippers . The high of the minarets had increased to 72 metres but there were only four of them . There were still no escalators , no fixed staircases and no air – conditioning.
Now , after the second Saudi expansion , the total area has grown to 400, 500 m2 and there is room for 650,000 worshippers . The number of minarets has increased to ten and they are now 105 metres a . There are now four escalators and eighteen fixed staircases . In addition , a 25 , 000 ton central air – conditioning station has been built
تعبير عن الرسول والمقاطعة
The Prophet of the Humanity (PBUH)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) was born in Makkah in 571AD. He was an orphan. His father Abdullah, died before he was born.His mother, Amena, died when he was a child of six. He lived with his grandfather, Abdul Muttaleb.and then with his loving uncle, Abu Taleb.
Muhammad (peace be upon Him) was poor and he worked as a shepherd to help his uncle. Later, he looked after his uncle's trade. He was always honest and people called him The Truthful:"Al Sadig Al Ameen". When he was twenty-five years old, he got married to a rich widow, Khadija bint Khuwailed.
When Muhammad (peace be upon Him) was forty, he became the messenger of Allah. He started spreading the message of Islamin Makkah. The first few years were very difficult for The Prophet. In 622 AD, Allah ordered him to move to Al Madinah. He lived in Al Madinah for eleven years .The people of Al Madina supported him a lot. He died on the 12th of Rabei Al Awal, 11 HIJRA (633 AD.) in Madina.
During this year, our Prophet (peace be upon Him) was insulted by some people in Denmark. They drew some caricature pictures in newspapers showing him in bad situations. Most people in the Islamic World condemned this ugly action. They organized many demonstrations to defend their beloved Prophet (PBUH). Some countries boycotted the Danish's products. In deed, we must love our prophet more than ourselves and follow what he said because he is the Prophet of the Humanity (PBUH).

تعبير عن الرسول
He is mohammad bin Abdullah. He was born in makkah.He is from the tribe of guraish. He is the latest messenger for all man kind

I, along with millions of Muslims, have heard and read about a Danish newspaper that has made a mockery of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and has made him the subject of insulting cartoons and jokes

These actions are extremely offensive, rude and religiously discriminating, and are totally unacceptable.

Our faith, Islam, must not be made a mockery of and must be respected. Muslims do not mock other divine religions.
اتمنى النجاح للجميع

الجوووري 29-05-2006 02:10 AM

هلا وغلا ميلاف الريم

يعطيك الف عافيـة يالغلآ

وجزاك الله الف خيرر ..

وتسلمين على النقل المميز .,.

harh66 29-05-2006 04:45 AM

لله يعطيكم العافيه أرجوووووووووووكم إن كانت أسئلة الإنجليزي ثالث ثانوي عندكم للبنات تسربت عطونياها بلييييييييييييييييز

سامي الشمري 29-05-2006 05:10 AM

الله يعطيك العافية يا ميلاف الريم على النقل الرائع

كذا تساعدين الطلاب على البراشيم بأسرع وقت :)

يعطيك العافية يا الغلا

تحياتي لك ِ

بنوته 29-05-2006 01:51 PM

مشكوره اختي على جهودك
بس للأسف كنا متوقعين انهم بيجيبون تعبير عن الملك عبد الله
او عن الاساه للرسول
ولا بعد اليوم الصباح و الموجهه توها جايه قالت حق بنتين
ركزوا على تعبير الملك عبد الله حنا قلنا خلاص اكيد هو لانها موجهه واكيد شايفه الاسئله
واخر شي ننصدم انه التعبير غير
بس اسهل من الملك عبدالله ((الله يحفظه))
وبصراحه اليوم الاختبار سهل وحلو

كنت صغيرة 29-05-2006 04:59 PM

* كُنتُ هُنا *
* ميلاف الريم *

مشكورة على المجهود..

الإختبار اليوم سهل بالحيل حتى القطوة تعرف تحله :tongue: ..

* تحياتي *

ميلاف الريم 29-05-2006 11:58 PM

السلام عليكم

يالله اهم شي انكم حليتوا حتى لو ماجاء منه شي

بس كان فيه احتمااال كبيـــر يكون عن الملك عبدالله أو الرسول (صلى الله عليه وسلم )

الله يوفق الجميع

سلامي لقلوبكم

بنوته 31-05-2006 11:06 AM

احب اوصل لكم معلومه
الاسئلة الاصليه كان التعبير فيها عن
الملك عبدالله ((الله يحفظه))
بس الوزارة لما شافو كل الناس متوقعين هذا التعبير
غيروه والخبر صحيح مش اشاعه...
تحياتي لكم ...بنوته...

الساعة الآن 11:47 AM.

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