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العودة   منتديات الرائدية > المنتديات الخـــاصـــة > مدارس الخفجي > :: منتدى التربية والتعليم:: > منتدى الإنجليزي واللغات

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قديم 06-03-2008, 06:06 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
رائدي فـعـّـال
الصورة الرمزية IMPOSSIBLE
الملف الشخصي

IMPOSSIBLE غير متواجد حالياً



Thumbs up Numpty :p

السلام عليكم

الكثير منا لايدرس هذه اللغة !! العامية !!

حابة انقل لكم دروس فيها على اساس لما تمر على احد يكون عنده خلفية عن الكلام

مثل كلمة NUMPTY مامرت اكيد على احد !! او قليل سمعتو فيها

هذا نص يوضح المعنى :

[align=left]Numpty. N-U-M-P-T-Y. Numpty. Gentle word. Very gentle word. It feels to me like 'silly billy' or 'you novice!' It means somebody who displays a lack of knowledge or a lack of awareness. I've often heard it used as an endearment - 'oh, you great numpty', meaning, you know, 'you should have done better than that'. 'Silly billy' is the best gloss for it, I think.

But in some parts of the country and in some people's usage it's a bit stronger and you can hear the difference in the tone of voice. I mean, I've heard somebody say about a driver of a car 'that numpty's talking on his mobile phone while he was driving' and that's a stronger usage, it means more, you know, 'that idiot', 'that prat', 'that numskull' - he's so stupid that even the simplest things are beyond him, that's the kind of nuance there

So it has a wide range of usage from quite gentle to quite strong. And then it's developed, of course, as time goes by. I've heard the plural of it - numpties, especially for politicians, 'politicians are numpties'. The number of times I've heard that! And also a noun, an abstract noun, numptiness - I don't think that's used very much but I have heard it once or twice - 'the numptiness of our politicians'

And in 2007, it was Scotland's favourite word. I CAN, the charity, did a survey of the favourite words of different parts of the country and Scotland voted for numpty[/align]

دمتم بود

التوقيع :

عش ما شئت فإنك ميت ,
وأحبب من شأت فإنك مفارقه,
واعمل ما شئت فإنك مجازى به

وداعتك قلبي



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الساعة الآن 05:41 PM.

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