اخر المواضيع
اضف اهداء
! Hello there . . . When someone tells you that you can't do something Look around Consider all options Then GO for it Use all the things God gave you Be creative In the end, you will succeed and prove them wrong Always remember Where there is a will there is a way . . .
هلا وغلا Always remember اقتباس Where there is a will there is a way مؤكد sure ياحزن مافي شئ اسمه مستحيل جرب وحاول وجرب مرات ومرات سيكون هناك نجاح بإذن الله المهم الإصرار والعزيمة على تخطي الصعاب سلمت يا حزن يعطيك العافية دمتم بحفظ الباري وعلى الخير بإذن الله نلتقي كلمــات مـن ذهـب الإستجداء يضعف لسان المتكلم , ويكسر قلب الشجاع , ويوقف الحر العزيز موقف الذليل ويذهب بهاء الوجه , ويمحق الرزق
مرحبا ابتسامة من هالمخلوق الضعيف نتعلم اصول الحياة والطرق الصحيحة لمواجهتها كل الشكر لك
thanks alot
your welcome
[ :: شَخَصَيَةَ هآمَةَ
7zen We used as arab to to take every thing easly without any efforts and thats our problem and one of main reasons of our delayed behind the world Thanks 7zen for this great subject
nice words My dear !!. it‘s sure no one could stop you !!. if you want to do some thing realy hard !! then you should do it !! thanks dear for the precious words !!
thanks alot 4 you
hi [mark=6699CC]7zo0nah[/mark] if you want some thing so much and there was a person trying to "stop" u from doing the thing that u want u should be a hopeful and always listen to your inside voice good advice thank u
[align=center]thanks i appreciate your effort regards moooj[/align]