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قديم 05-08-2016, 05:53 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
سامر السرور
رائدي جديد
الملف الشخصي

سامر السرور غير متواجد حالياً



تنزيل كاسبر سكاي العربي مجانا Download Kaspersky 2016

تحميل برنامج كاسبر سكاي العربي مجانا Download Kaspersky 2016

Kaspersky® provides premium protection from infections, Trojans, junk e-mail, hackers, and much more. Its hi-tech, hybrid method of digital security includes innovative, cloud-based technology with advanced antivirus safety to deliver a quicker, more effective reaction to today’s complicated, ever-evolving risks. You, your own private data and PERSONAL COMPUTER are completely protected while you work, financial institution, shop and perform on the internet.

Safeguards your personal privacy, your hard earned money & your children from Internet dangers - Protects your computer against today’s Web threats - Adds additional security for online financial & shopping - Shields your privacy and private information - Assists protect your children towards online threats - Includes superior security & improved performance

Distinctive Safe Money Technology Offers additional layers of safety during financial dealings, such as on the internet banking and buying, and using transaction techniques.

Revolutionary Hybrid Protection Combines revolutionary, cloud-based technologies along with advanced antivirus protection to make sure you’re always protected from the latest risks.

Identification & Privacy Safeguards Utilizes the latest cloud information, anti-phishing technologies along with a secure keyboard setting to keep your individual data from being thieved.

Harmful Website Alerts Advises a person of the safety associated with search result hyperlinks, and blocks harmful and phishing sites.

Superior Parental Controls Can help you ensure your kids are safe as well as responsible online while they are surfing the internet, gaming as well as enjoying social support systems.

Secure Social Networking Ensures your own ********, Myspace . com and Twitter accounts will not receive malicious links or even software from your buddies

رابط التحميل

Download Kaspersky 2016

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تحميل برنامج كاسبر سكاى 2015 Kaspersky Antivirus عربى ميكا حسن :: منتدى الكمبيوتر والبرامج:: 4 25-12-2015 12:42 AM
تحميل كاسبر سكاي 2015 Kaspersky Anti Virus انجى مندور :: منتدى الكمبيوتر والبرامج:: 4 20-12-2015 07:02 PM
تحميل برنامج كاسبر سكاي 2016 Kaspersky مجانا مع الكراك حمود الادهم :: منتدى الكمبيوتر والبرامج:: 0 17-08-2015 09:06 AM

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